Sandy Birner Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul committed murder, Gideon was insecure, Miriam gossiped, Martha worried, Thomas doubted, Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody, Moses stuttered, Zacchaeus was short, Abraham was old and Lazarus was dead. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies those He calls. Re-post this if u know your NOT perfect no.....I'm not perfect.....just forgiven
LaTrina Burks Is setting the record str8:Its not about what he does or doesnt do...Its abt what i do,how i do it & and hold my own that makes me "The Queen" so b4 u get it mistaken thinkin its all abt him,Nope its really all abt me#QueenB
Bridgette Lively well if someone has that much of a problem with me u could at least tell me who u r
Vladimir A Kosjer Sve sto zelim u ovom trenutku, Partizane igraj i pobedi,
Grobari ce ostati uz tebe, za nama ce ostati neredi!!!
DA SE PONOVI !!! NAPRED PARTIZAN!!! DO POBEDEEEEEEE !!! : Partizan - Makabi, "Ljubav prema klubu" (04.11.2010.)
Thia LaDi LyKe Durand im an addict for dramatics.. i confuse the two for can tell me that u dont...liar!
Taking Back Sunday "Liar (It Takes One To Know One)" Warner Bros. Records Inc. Directed by Tony Petrossian
Daisy Dhawan Ppl say 2 forgt past n move on bt hw r u meant 2 forgt sumthin wen evrytym u start 2 move forward,d past starts replayin in ur present..,misin u badly:-(
Opeyemi Bashorun Fatimah Av u checked d result of d exam(PRAYER)you
wrote to God? if "No", here r ur scores, I
checked it 4 u dis morning.Long life A1
Sickness F9 Knowledge A1 Riches B2
Happiness A1.
U were absent in d following subjects:
The following subjects were seized:
And u did not register for:
Premature Death,Satanic Oppression.
U r hereby promoted 2 a new level of
greatness.Hapi new month
Jessica Garcia Omg!! Just got a scare thought I lost my wallet eeee dont u just hate that feeling ughh but i didnt yeaaaa! Id lose my head if it wasn't screwed on hahaha Parents saying lol
Anil Kumar
Mina Perez Lms if ur my true friend. Lms if u dont wanna c me locked up.....:( 10 days left n my life might b over i fear the end is near
Yasser Davizon Nacion Acustica... en 12.23PM
"Y si volviera a nacer... seria Tigre de la U"...
Vamos Tigres 2012...!!!
Himno de los tigres de la UANL,cantado por los benders.
Sharokb Karbaycer I mis u dad bt am pray 4 u inshalla u wil b in heaven.
Kim Levesque Didnt 4get about u, never that. I just need ta take a shower and put on something cute b4 u get a pic.
Oyeyemi Abiodun Faith Does dis mean dat WOMEN are smarter dan MEN?
A husband came home early frm office, only 2 see his wife wit anoda man:
WIFE: Y are u so early at home 2day?
HUSBAND: Who is he?
WIFE: Hey, dn't change d topic...,
Euginho Eugene Friends i need ur support,i've a serious problem i need a girlfriend if u can resolve ma problem plz inbox ur number.
Hosea Fathe Wandabusi Guys all ova da wald,rem."It's beta 2 be a dictator in heaven than 2 be a headboy in HELL!!!"so wat do u want 2 be?
Lusanda Maneli Eish amaxhala aphelile uJohn ngumlungu, Thanx God 4 such wonderful huby. Mpho i'm sorted u can keep yr 3months bonus. Ncanza uyaphoswa.
Tiffany Hatcher whenever u call baby i roll up..#realtalk
Sandra Ogu if u love me pls pray 4 me,18courses in 3 days..God help me,i must pass dis exams..
Desiree Luckycharm Katz Im sexy and u knw it.....
Amos Mpande 2 get sumthng u neva had,u hev 2 do sumthn u neva did,wen God teks sumthng frm yo grasp he's nt punishng u bt merely openin yo hands 2 receive sumthng beta,e will o God wil neva tek u wer e grace o God wil nt protect u.slip tyt!!!
Nidish Krishnan Kolaveri song for engg students
Yo Engineers .. I am sing song
why this exam exam exam di
rhythm correct
why this exam exam exam di
maintain this
white colour-u paper-u paper-u paper-
print-u black-u
questions- u questions- u danger-u
my mind blank-u
why this exam exam exam di
maama hall ticket eduthuko apdiye kaila
pa pa paan pa pa paan pa papaa pa pa
sariya vaasi
super maama ready
ready 1 2 3 4
whaa wat a change over maama
ok maama now tune change-u
kaila book
only english..
hand la book
book la notes
eyes-u full-aa tear-u
empty brain-u
exam u come-u
life reverse gear-u
maam-u maam-u
oh my maam-u you taught mewrong
cow-u cow-u holy cow-u
is this in syllabus u
god i m dying now-u
teacher is happy how-u
this song for engineers- u
we dont have choice-u
Carry Dasson A frnd is allways frnd . . . If there iz ny mess then make shure that might be missQ or . . Full fill it dude C.r.d need u . .
Ogbor Solomon Most of our troubles are tongue troubles.prophet,pastor are sent to ulter the deep words of God.if u have authority that authority is to build.PROPHET T.B. JOSHUA
Andrea Ruth Williams wen searching the web plz click on here 1st n help raise funds 4 my daughters skool everytime u use it,thank you XXXX
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