Saturday, January 7, 2012

saw this a couple years ago but I love it so much http:wwwyoutubecomwatchvGsQewoCvkEY Life is sucking this paper is killing me But my honey is home now I am sure

Andrew Hess
Andrew Hess saw this a couple years ago, but I love it so much.
Virginia Gartman Ginger McDaniel
Virginia Gartman Ginger McDaniel Life is sucking this paper is killing me. But my honey is home now I am sure life will get better
Heemy Heem
Heemy Heem Im not a status post-er Ima Status Poster....F statuses...FB is your Drug not mines...i got my drug right here lol...
Sule' Ashley
Sule' Ashley should I do it?
Lavonjia Rip Mark' Glenn
Lavonjia Rip Mark' Glenn He Asked Me Was I Single ' I Told'Em YA DAMN RIGHT!
Bhupinder Singh Bhullar
Bhupinder Singh Bhullar A SWEET LOVE STORY I EVER HEARD...♥♥♥ . . . OnCe upon a time there iz a gurl and a bOy ...............bOy pupOsed the gUrl and guRl acCept by sayin dat uR mA heaRt .em liVin withOut heart... . . . aftEr sum dayz gurl Told boy dat i can"t maRRy u cause ma parentz have agud hOpe on me..and i don wanna lose iT..!!!!!!!!!♥ BUT we can friEndz 4ever and eVER..... boy loves gurl sooooo much so he agreed to be her FRIEND.....♥ . . . aFter 2 monthz the gurl get maRRied with anothEr guy... . aftEr 2 dayz of her wedding..she i was seekin her giFt..and cumin on one gift and start cryin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . . DO YOU WANNA KNOE WATZ IN DAT GIFT????????????????????????? . . . . . A HEART iz packed in a glaSS of jAr filLLed with blOOd .... . . . and written on dat jar iz........... arEy pagAl agAr terrA dil merE paSs rahegA ,tOh aPne huSbaNd ko Kya dOOge...!!!!!!!!!!!♥ . . . DATZ TRUE LOVE♥♥♥
Shahadat Hossain
Shahadat Hossain I Lov my all friend
Brandon Michael Baker
Brandon Michael Baker i love you RS4 but my 6 pot sounds meaner then your grumpy v8 :P
Damascus Jones
Damascus Jones Who told ya got beef wit ya. im da best unsing hype. if had beef wit ya i will saying to ya face dey know who im talkin bout. dey thinkin im nad i not sign wit dem let. i got prove myself i will do it.
Ralphie Garcia
Ralphie Garcia It looks like i have a long weekend ........
Allison Hunter
Allison Hunter Never had anyone as close to me, as I was to you. Now that your gone; my whole life's split in two. Another hour, a minute, a second if you could; I can't even accept what I know I should. Can't sleep, can't eat, can't breathe without you here; loosing you was my biggest fear. Wondering my memory that's still having false hope, but I know deep down, all I can try to do is cope. I will never forget your gorgeous face, or your soft, sweet voice, with its warm embrace. And ill always remember your loving, open arms, so understanding and caring, but still so could do so much harm. They say time helps heal wounds, so I guess that's just where I'll have to start, living each day for you, as you still live; through my heart.
Mandi Price
Mandi Price You and I wake up in a police car both handcuffed. Using ONLY three words, what would you say to me? Note: If you comment, you must copy and paste this to your status so I can comment on yours as well. Be a good sport and play along. (3 word limit is hard)...
Kiarra Mcgee
Kiarra Mcgee I miss u to Ms keke
Zoe Roechner
Zoe Roechner Should I get my hair cut to a little above my shoulders???? I need opinions
Marcy Shillings Bean
Marcy Shillings Bean Why must I continue to complicate my life!
Ashlei Coakley
Ashlei Coakley I see da bg apts done step dey game up wit da security gates now all dey need to do is remove dem big ass ac units out dem windows. N I still couldnt live der. Ijs.........
Daniela Reyes
Daniela Reyes I came to moveee moveeee :o me gusta el pary y el chojengue cual es
Camryn Sanders
Camryn Sanders I hate rockenroll please don't put another dine in the jubbox baby ................. Lol
Charlene Plowman-Bailey
Charlene Plowman-Bailey I need help .....Does anyone know any tricks on giving a 3yr old medicine!!!
Jack Rich
Jack Rich wow it has been forever and a day since i have seen you
Jamie Maclean (Jamie)'s profile comments on Myspace. Social entertainment powered by the passions of fans.
Eric Nunez
Eric Nunez Been awake for over 48 hours... I dunno bout tonight
Bubba Hunley
Bubba Hunley i tell ya some people are fucked up. HOW BOUT YOU MIND YOUR OWN FUCKN BUISNESS BECAUSE YOU ARE POKEING A HORNETS NEST!!!!---------------BITCH
Terril Lincoln
Terril Lincoln 505 bound. I hope i bring the car back >:). I need to speed \m/
Brenden Wear
Brenden Wear Dead is Dead, and alive is alive. Being alive makes me feel dead and death makes me feel alive. being alive makes me sad. so i guess im always sad with an illusionative mask of happiness from time to time. kill me and ill finally be happy.
Katie Leggss Montgomery
Katie Leggss Montgomery I just relized , some of my favorite memories were made at school . :D

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